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Incredible Weight Loss: Lose 440 pounds using Bodyweight Exercise

Weight Loss Story: Lose 440 pounds using Bodyweight Exercise

Imagine being 26 years old and weighing 700 pounds.  Imagine being unable to leave the house, or even take a shower. Jesse Shand allowed himself to get that way – he was always a large kid, and was not a great fan of life at school. So he took to hiding at home playing  computer games and eating. His favourite pastime was trolling the internet in an attempt to get a rise out of people.

 “Negativity was all I had and all I was about.”

It was this that led him to a bodybuilding forum, which he joined with an absurd username and started a thread called ‘Ask the fattest man on this site anything’, setting the bait for a life of trolldom.

But instead of receiving abuse as he expected, he was inundated with support, with the members trying to convince him it wasn’t too late to turn his life around.

He wrote on his site:

The thread immediately took off and became one of the most popular threads on the site. To my complete surprise, rather than get a rise out of the community, they started to try to convince me that it was not too late to fix my situation.

I had a million excuses and reasons that I couldn’t do it. I argued that it would take years of dedication and willpower that I simply did not have. Slowly, over time, the many voices wore me down and started to convince me that it was worth another shot.

Somehow the messages got to him. One user pointed out he would burn calories by just flopping around in his seat. Jesse made a video doing just that. He was surprised how tired one minute of flopping his body made him feel. This was the start of an exercise regime started. While shaking in his seat was a bit of a joke, starting out with bodyweight squats was something he could do. Walking back and forth – for the video camera – in his mobile home became a core routine too.  Lifting weights became a key piece too.

He did reduce his food intake – instead of eating 10 or 11 chicken quesadillas in a session he would drop to 6 or 7.

Rather than read a lot of words, watch a life story video, where Jesse narrates his story as he recorded it. The first bath. The first walk outdoors in daylight. The first visit to the doctor. The first shower in his indoor shower. Bodyweight training saved his life.

Two years later, Jesse has slimmed down to 266 pounds (19 stone) and is currently fundraising to have his excess skin removed. Make a donation there – I did.

This story shows how easy it is to go off the rails.  Stop caring and start eating.  It also shows the power of determination to turn life around, and you can achieve great things. Start small and do what you know you can achieve. It also shows the power of drawing support from other people – mostly they want you to succeed too.

Keep moving that body.

Follow his story on his blog –

Original story here on

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