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6 Bodyweight Training Benefits Spelled Out

6 Bodyweight Training Benefits – More Specifics

Bodyweight training is simple exercise.

It relies solely on the weight of your body.

It can be used to achieve a variety of fitness goals.

It is very versatile and because of this, it has lots of positive aspects. This article will dig a little deeper and discuss some of the main bodyweight training benefits.

Benefit 1– Versatile

Bodyweight training can help you to lose weight or to build muscle or to develop heart health. The range of bodyweight moves is only limited by your imagination and your flexibility.  Find the right ones for you and combine them into fun workouts that can help you achieve your specific health and fitness goals.

For ebodyweight_info_graphicxample, if you want to build muscle, a workout that includes pull ups, push ups and squats can help you build muscle. Or, if you want to lose weight or boost your heart health, you can create a workout that includes high intensity  moves such as burpees, high knees, mountain climbers and skipping.

Benefit 2– No Equipment Needed

A great thing about bodyweight training is that no equipment is needed. So you do not have to fork out any cash. Not only does this save you money, your workouts can be efficient. You do not have to get any equipment ready and you do not have to grab different equipment between exercises – find a clear space and start exercising and flow smoothly between the different exercises and complete a highly effective workout in a relatively short period of time.

Benefit 3– Do Anywhere

Unlike the gym, sports or exercise classes, bodyweight training isn’t limited by location and can be performed absolutely anywhere. Whether you’re at home, at the office or outside or in the shopping mall, all you need is a small clear space to start performing bodyweight exercises. You may have to build your comfort at having an audience in the shops or the office.

Benefit 4– All Fitness Levels

You know how much strain your body can take. Your base fitness level will tell you how hard you can go. Bodyweight training is a perfect wherever your fitness is – whether for fitness newbies or fitness pros alike. Most bodyweight moves are simple in their nature and something that a complete beginner can master. They rely mostly on balance and a controlled use of strength. The intensity of these simple moves can easily be increased for advanced users by adding extra repetitions or increasing the speed at which the exercises are performed or increasing the stretch required or the length of holds in stretched positions.

Benefit 5– Low Impact

One final benefit of bodyweight training is that it’s gentle on your joints. After all your body is already placing weight on those joints every day. Many other forms of exercise place undue pressure on your joints which can cause pain, redness and swelling. Bodyweight training has almost no impact on your joints which keeps them free and healthy from pain.

Benefit 6 – Time Efficient

Training sessions can be short. They do not have to be all joined up like a session in the gym or a long run or bicycle ride. You can spread them out across the day. In fact you can build them into the daily routine of life and not even notice the time spent. How about doing 5 squats each time you sit down in a chair? How about doing 5 lunges each time pick something up off the floor?


As you can see, bodyweight training is a really effective health and fitness approach. It could help you no matter your physical fitness objectives or your existing level of physical fitness. So if you’re not doing so currently, give bodyweight training a shot and begin enjoying its numerous benefits.

Profit from moving your body weight more and often

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