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Better Than A Good Sleep. Bodyweight Training Gives Better Sleep

Are You Always Tired? Maybe Time for Bodyweight Training

This article was translated and edited from the original article in Thai.

Take a good look at the people around you. Who looks tired of stairs? Whose skin looks tired, not fresh? These are signs that the body is powerless. That is a symptom of tiredness – even exhaustion. Many people think that a good sleep will replenish your body. Sadly it is not always true. Actually, results of several studies suggest that exercise is the best rechargeable power that solves tiredness and exhaustion. Exercise needs to be ongoing and habitual to rejuvenate a body to be equipped to deal with the next day fully.

The science shows that exercise forces the body to repair the muscles worked and this helps to combat tiredness. Bodyweight exercise using your body weight to replace the device (equipment) has been very popular in foreign countries. This form of bodyweight exercise may not even make muscles bigger in size – it may be necessary to add weights to extend the muscles (Ed: we do not agree – see this article on this site). This form of exercise is considered to recharge energy to our bodies as well. That nourishes from the inside to the outside. When the muscles are healthy and shapely, you will have more confidence. What would look better in the end? Who has the body in good shape will develop the brain perfectly and the face will shine.

Do not wait to get started. If you believe that Bodyweight Training Gives Better Sleep, here are a few exercise ideas which will create Fit & Firm muscle mass in the body.

Full Body (body)


Starting with the Common Minimum Plank posture is simple. Use the arms to hold the weight of the entire body. Start by lying face down, flat on the ground with back straight. Raise you body so knees are off the ground and with rigid abdomen. Try to keep the body parallel to the ground. Hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the stamina of your body – this is harder than it looks. Remember to breathe all through the hold.




Tuck Jump

This position is very easy and anyone can do it (though you do want to be sure your knees will hold your weight when you come back to ground). This position does not require much skill, just stand up straight and then jump as high as you can. It sounds simple but the important point is to try to stretch your legs out. Bend your knees on the landing and coil to do another jump higher. Work up to do three sets of 12-15 times.


Legs (leg muscles)

Wall Sit

This position requires the help of a wizard, which is the wall. Position your self close to a wall and make as if you are sitting on a chair. Use the wall to brace and hold 20-45 seconds. You’ll feel the leg muscles tighten.



This position is a position that will tighten the buttocks and leg muscles. We all know this position – this is how we sit in a chair or get up from a chair. Nothing hard – just stand upright legs apart, width of the shoulders and lower yourself into the buttocks and thighs. A short stretch, then come back and do it all 15 times.



Chest & Back (chest and back muscles).

Standard Push-Up

The basic exercise for the ages – ask any soldier. This position does not need much explaining. Lay face down and straighten arms gently remembering to keep knees off the ground and then hold. Lower slowly back until nearly touching the ground and push up again. Start with maybe 10 but get to 50-100 times a day to really develop the chest muscles as well. If you are struggling – leaves the knees on the ground and work the upper body as a start.




Who wants to be a superhero? To imitate the pose of Superman begin by lying flat on the floor, arms spread out like you are flying. The stomach is the only part of the body attached to the floor. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then relax, and do all three sets of a workout.



Shoulders & Arm (shoulders and arms).

Triceps Dip

This position requires a little equipment – a chair or table edge or the bottom step of a stairway or a fence railing. Using a chair (make sure it will not slide back away from you), face away from the chair. Place both hands on the edge of the chair and lower yourself towards the floor. Keep your arms angled at 90 degrees, then push up with your arms up and down, up and down for about 10 to 15 times. This posture works the triceps to the full.


Arm Circles

This again is even more simple. You can do this anywhere – watching TV, in the movies or sitting behind your executive desk. Just spread out arms and rotate them in a small circle. Go forward 50 times and then back 50 times. I like doing this at home




Core (abdomen)

Flutter Kick

Although this looks like something a child does, it is useful and athletes around the world use it a lot. Just lie flat on the floor. At the start place your hands placed against the torso. If you would like to be more advanced, lay hands wider apart with a gap to the floor. Then, lift your legs up, parallel to the floor. Alternating left-right-left-right start kicking gently – like you are swimming backstroke.



No time to get out the bicycle or too windy to go cycling? This position is extremely easy. Just lie flat on the floor with hands behind your head. Lift your feet up, pointing to the ceiling. Then act as if you are cycling. For a variation, twist one shoulder off the ground and cycle the oppositing leg – then do the otehr side. make this a daily routine To see the results instantly



This article was translated and edited from the original article in Thai

Images come from the original articles – I have edited out the Thai and corrected spelling


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